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BIO4MAR - Development of a waste biomass conversion system that incorporates liquefaction and pyrolysis technologies for producing biochemicals for the maritime sector

The BIO4MAR project addresses the maritime industry's challenge of unsustainable chemical usage by pioneering a novel system for producing biopolyols and bio-oils as alternatives to petroleum-based polymers. Through knowledge transfer, performance assessment, and testing with maritime collaborators, the project aims to advance to TRL7, offering a sustainable solution to reduce reliance on unsustainable chemicals in vessel construction and maintenance.


Project Acronym:

Overall Budget:
€ 734.171

Funding Organization:
Research and Innovation Foundation

Overall Funding:€ 734.171

Funding Program:
Restart 2016-2020

FU/FRC Budget:€ 75.700

Project Start/End date:
05/2024- 2026

FU/FRC Funding:
€ 75.700

Project Partners

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